Robert KellermanWorkforce Management

Many companies still rely on paper-based processes to manage their workforce. Paper-based methods typically involve using clipboards to capture daily essential tasks such as employee compliance checks, equipment maintenance checks, monthly management audits, and so forth. However, paper-based methods can cause more problems than they solve. The culprit is the fact that manual input is required, often resulting in human error. Furthermore, this method is time-consuming and can be unreliable which is problematic. Manual input also often results in forms not being fully completed, which in turn inhibits data reprocessing. What might be required here is an efficient task management system like Rock which can streamline all the workflow and improve on the task delegation process.

A digital workforce management system will optimise workforce management processes and improve operational efficiency. Factors that will be optimised include the visibility and transparency of your workforce. With a digital workforce management system, real-time data can be collected and verified on a single platform. This could include information such as are workers correctly equipped (that is, neat uniforms and serviced equipment) and are they informed about what is expected of them.

Using this information, an employer can also determine the major cause hampering the company’s growth. Those problems can then be rectified by taking the appropriate steps. As an example, a business owner can make necessary arrangements to prevent employee fatigue and physical stress if employees aren’t working at their full potential. These include replacing old wooden chairs with cushioned office chairs, installing wrist rest to prevent wrist pain, and providing nutritional and healthy food to prevent sickness in employees. In the event that such a problem is rectified, there is a chance that the growth and productivity of the company will also increase. Furthermore, a digital workforce management system offers the following on one platform:

  • incident management,
  • equipment audits,
  • site visit reports and
  • client feedback surveys.

This enables both the workforce and management to be proactive as opposed to reactive. A digital workforce management system is significantly less time-consuming, more reliable and less error-prone seeing that data only has to be captured once. The data and information are readily available in one place to all who may need access with search functionality to find specific data records in seconds.

A further advantage of switching to digital workforce management is its propensity for non-compliance escalation and exception-based reporting. Exception-based reporting allows management to have more visibility of and control over company problems and makes it much easier to oversee various locations and workforce teams in real-time as they can easily see what requires immediate attention. This means a digital solution can highlight cases where actual performance deviated significantly from what was required or expected. The system helps to identify anomalies and errors quickly which can then be escalated and resolved almost immediately. In other words, management can focus on and almost immediately address the actual problems instead of attempting the impossible task of filtering through paper-based data to first identify a problem.

FILE13 success story

One of Bloodhound’s FILE13 clients, Enviro Loo often works with small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) – these are local third-party subcontractors who service their sanitation units. Historically various challenges were experienced including fieldworkers bypassing the system, backend reporting exceptions and incorrect data collected as a result of using manual paper-based reporting systems. Previously there was no way to validate the information provided in the reports. FILE13 replaced this manual system with a proactive solution where digital validation is done using IoT technologies like NFC tagging and geolocation data. With FILE13, real-time “proof of presence” and “proof of service” holds fieldworkers accountable and ensures transparency and overall peace of mind of all parties. Since implementing FILE13, SMMEs’ service levels have increased dramatically and access to accurate real-time data has enabled Enviro Loo to act and resolve any issues as a matter of priority. Clear measurable data is furthermore available to clients confirming that Enviro Loo has met and maintained excellent service levels.